Steamboat Rock Mar 16

A slickrock hike on the mountain directly north of Sedona, with a side trip at the end to Wilson Canyon
P3150002   STEAMBOAT ROCK P3150003   Starting from Midgley Bridge P3150004 P3150006
P3150007   The lower slope of Steamboat P3150008   After a short section of the Jim Thompson trail, we climb P3150010 P3150011
P3150012   It does not take longto reacj open rock P3150014 P3150015 P3150016
P3150017 P3150018 P3150020 P3150021
P3150022 tonemapped P3150023 P3150024 P3150026   Midgley Bridge
P3150027   Spring flowers are coming out P3150028   A smalll area of 'polygons', or tesselated pavement P3150029 P3150030
P3150032 P3150033 P3150034   We are headed for the chocolate-colored band (Fort Apache Layer) to the right P3150035
P3150036 P3150037 P3150038 P3150039
P3150042 P3150044 P3150045   On top of the Layer, a small watchpoint ruin P3150046
P3150047   Tafoni weathering of sandstone P3150048 tonemapped P3150050   Lunch on top of the Layer P3150053   Tourists fly by for a closer look
P3150054 P3150055 tonemapped P3150056   That was the way we came P3150057   The vertical banding is desert varnish
P3150059 P3150060 P3150062 P3150064
P3150065 P3150066 P3150068 P3150070
P3150071 P3150073   Heading back... P3150074 P3150076
P3150079 P3150080 P3150081 P3150082   A side trip up Wilson Canyon
P3150083 P3150084 P3150085 P3150086
P3150087 P3150088 P3150089 P3150091   The end of the canyon offers a panoramic view
P3150093 P3150095 P3150097 P3150098
P3150099 P3150102